Diesel, the infamous denim company, is making some bold moves on their website. At first glance it looks someone hacked their site (the big idea). These “Hackers” are actually two very cute young ladies who have renamed the site “Heidies” and turned it into a MySpace meets YouTube zone with a live webcam and chat.
Everyone deserves their fifteen megs of fame (it looks like Michael Seaton‘s nomenclature is taking hold) and these two Heidies have hijacked the Diesel site along with a Diesel sales rep until they get what they want (fame and glory?).
Diesel is leveraging a lot of social media tools for this online campaign. While their “standard” website is just a few clicks away (off of the top navigation), I really like this initiative. Diesel advertising has always been suggestive, curious and engaging. The Heidies match up. Not because it’s risky (this has been done before), but because it comes off as hokey and not floggy. Meaning, it’s clear this is fake, but it’s fun, it’s aligned with their brand and they’re asking users to check out the MySpace page, to Digg the item and more. The live chat component also seems surprisingly busy and lively.
The snarky copy works too. I love this line from under the live webcam window: “And no, we will not show our tits, been there, done that, didn’t work.”
I was wondering how many people asked Subservient Chicken the same question?
Diesel Brand Hijacks Themselves – Goes YouTube And MySpace Nuts For Heidies

First they started using Michael’s quote for BarCamp t-shits (This one time at BarCamp….) and now Diesel is using his expression ’15 megs of fame? Has he been trademarking all this stuff?
And to wit, he’s a banker no less…. 😉
I’m liking the Heidis