Following is the first print review of my forthcoming book, Six Pixels of Separation, courtesy of Publisher’s Weekly. The real "first" review was a video review done by Chris Brogan (over here: Don’t Trust My Review of Six Pixels of Separation).
Six Pixels of Separation – Everyone is Connected. Connect Your Business to Everyone Mitch Joel. Grand Central/Business Plus, $26.99 (273p) ISBN 978-0-446-54823-6
A digital marketing maven who parlayed a podcast into a thriving career, Joel extends the notion of human interconnectedness by six degrees to the virtual world. With abundant Internet social networking sites and mobile texting, “we are all intrinsically connected,” he argues in this accessible primer to capitalizing on connections to increase brand awareness. New breeds of entrepreneurs are being created daily, he asserts, using free publishing tools available on the Internet to create brands and develop audiences on a scale that rivals the biggest firms in the world. Joel cites such success stories as Gary Vaynerchuk of Wine Library, who transformed his parents’ New Jersey liquor store from a $4 million business to a $45 million one in five years by connecting to Facebook and Twitter and creating a video podcast to lure customers. More than a mere collection of inspirational case studies, the book offers practical advice, from choosing a catchy blog name to tips on Web presentation. Joel has created an eminently readable guide to harnessing the various tools available across the virtual landscape. (Sept.)
If you’re interested in buying a book (or a thousand), you can pre-order it now (top left-corner of this Blog).
You can find the original review publisher over here: Publisher’s Weekly – Six Pixels of Separation.
That’s awesome Mitch. A real book review from traditional media. How ironic is that! The first of many positive reviews I hope. In both old and new media.