I had a very interesting dinner last night with Harold Simpkins. Because of the lack of RSVPs for tonight’s Business Book Club (mostly because I had to change the date at the last minute) and because Harold and I both agreed that the book, Harry Beckwith‘s What Clients Love – A Field Guide To Growing Your Business, is such an essential read, we both thought it would be best to postpone tonight’s meeting and discuss the above book on Wednesday, November 10th, 2004 at 6:30 pm – here at Twist Image.
Now you have a lot of time to enjoy this great read and it will give the whole group some more time to digest the goodies that lie within the pages.
I also want you to know that I have discussed with other attendees the structure of the discussions and I will be formulating more formal questions and points to discuss so we can stay focused on the messages from the book.
P.S. – Here’s what Seth Godin has to say about What Clients Love: “Don’t lend this book to a friend… you’re unlikely to get it back.”
As always, if you still don’t have time to read the book, still come down for a great conversation and, if you like, feel free to bring snacks and drinks.
P.P.S. – If you would like to invite friends, colleagues, comrades… just let me know 🙂
November Book and Date Set For Montreal Business Book Club