LinkedIn – More Ways To Get The Most Of This Business-related Online Social Network

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I was reading Shel Holtz’ Blog today, A Shel Of My Former Self, and his post, Taking Advantage Of LinkedIn. Like Shel, I get many questions and comments about how to better use LinkedIn and whether or not it is worth it to purchase the premium services (LinkedIn always plays a small role in my public speaking presentations). I have never bought the premium services, so I don’t even know what the offer is and, much like Shel, I typically use LinkedIn (which is like a MySpace for business people) to do research regarding both individuals and organizations.
Shel’s Blog posting links through to Guy Kawasaki‘s excellent post, Ten Ways To Use LinkedIn (truth is, if you read the comments on Guy’s Blog posting, there are more than ten). There are many gems within Kawasaki’s words (as usual). (which is quickly becoming one of my favorite Blogs) also has a follow-up post, Twelve Ways To Use LinkedIn. If you dig a little more through the comments, Trackbacks or do a Technorati search on “LinkedIn”, odds are there are many more LinkedIn jewels to discover.
Every once in a while, I revisit my LinkedIn profile, update it, take a look at who else has recently joined and do my best to increase my network. While it’s not one of my “must-have” tools, it has also come in handy when I’m traveling to different cities and would like to meet-up with some new people.
If you’re using LinkedIn and would like to connect, you can find my profile here: LinkedIn – Mitch Joel Profile.
If there are some tips and tricks that you’ve uncovered, please feel free to share them with us.


  1. Mitch, I very liked this post, especially when LinkedIn is on the lips of everyone right know.
    To answer your question regarding if it’s valuable to buy the business package in LinkedIn, the answer its no. Unless you want to use LinkedIn in a way telemarketer were doing sales 10 years ago. it doesnt worth it. If you make a quick calculation how much it cost by InMail, it doesnt worth it yet. Especially when you have more than 50 connections. I could rec’d it for someone who start in LinkedIn.
    Have a nice day.

  2. Mitch,
    I have begun using the premium Linkedin services as of today. The simple reason is that I am trying to reconnect with a bunch of people at the same time and that the default level was not providing me with a sufficient number of introductions at any one point in time.
    By quickly building my network online I have been able to source different contacts on career opportunities that I wouldnt have been able to do otherwise. The cost is 19.95 per month and could be worthwhile depending on the outcome (hopefully it will 😉 ). So far I am a big fan!

  3. I tried to get in touch on linked in but I am persona non grata, as I dont know you personally ,I dont know your email and I dont use the premium service…..

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