It's New Year's Day – I'm Not Going To Make You Read…

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But, you can certainly take a listen to these two Podcast gems:
First up is Joseph Jaffe and his excellent Podcast, Across The Sound. This is his first episode without Steve Rubel of Micro Persuasion and Jaffe is pulling a Regis meets American Idol type of vibe by having Guest Co-Hosts who are then voted on by us, the listener, for the permanent slot on Across The Sound. First Guest Co-Host is Tom Hespos (watch out for that “P” word Tom).
Here’s the link: Jaffe Juice – The Return Of Across The Sound (ta-da!).
(be sure to check out the link to download the entire PyroMarketing by Greg Stielstra book on audio for free).
Next up is a great Podcast from IT Conversations called Welcome To Web 2.0 2005 featuring Web 2.0 Conference Hosts John Battelle and Tim O’Reilly. Here’s the description from the IT Conversations website:
“In the year since the first Web 2.0 Conference the term ‘Web 2.0’ has definitely become part of the mainstream technological vocabulary. Indeed, it seems that any new Internet offering feels that using the term is an essential part of its product description. Further evidence is given by the ever-increasing number of hits returned by a search on Google for ‘Web 2.0’.
Time O’Reilly and John Battelle, in their welcome speech at this year’s conference feel that the important thing now is that the focus is put squarely on substance and that the Web 2.0 concept doesn’t suffer from a cycle of hype.
It’s hard to deny that the web is becoming a platform: the evidence is in sites like, which can be seen as a sort of platonic ideal of the mashup. More than anything, it is mashups that define the new approach to web application development.
O’Reilly and Battelle discuss the impact of the new lightweight business models that have arisen, which concentrate on building on top of the platform and using the infrastructure already in existence. This points to a couple of key principles for the coming years: data is the next ‘Intel Inside’; the web is about the collective.
In other words, this is the year of things running on the platform, rather than the notion of the platform itself.”
Please give a listen here: IT Conversations – Welcome To Web 2.0 2005 featuring Web 2.0 Conference Hosts John Battelle and Tim O’Reilly.