I’m prepping for my trip to Vancouver for the full-day seminar presented by IAB Canada – Interactive Advertising Bureau – on Social Media Marketing And Web 2.0.
In preparation for this trip, I shot out a quick Twitter message and Kate Trgovac from One Degree and My Name Is Kate replied that she would be in for Geek Dinner Vancouver.
So, there_ it’s set.
Here are the details:
Geek Dinner Vancouver
Tuesday, June 19th, 2007.
6:00 pm.
Steamworks in Gastown.
We’d like to be able to let the restaurant know how many people will be showing up, so please drop a comment below or email me.
As always, feel free to bring your recording devices and cameras, so we can Blog, Podcast and capture the evening.
I’m looking forward to catching up with Kate, but we would love to have more people from the Marketing, Advertising, Communications, Podcasting and Blogging community of Vancouver show up.
See you tomorrow night.
UPDATE: I’ve set-up an Upcoming.org event page here: Geek Dinner Vancouver.
Geek Dinner Vancouver Tomorrow Night With Kate Trgovac From One Degree And My Name Is Kate

how late will you guys be there? I have another commitment in the beginning of the evening and might be able to get there later 9.30 or so. Will you still be there?
Great show yesterday Mitch, I have subscribed to your blog, I will download the iTunes software and tune into your pod cast, but I steadfastly refuse to join twitter.
I’ll email you tomorrow, and I will take you up on the offer to go for drinks one day to continue the SMM discussion.
Have a nice flight home, if that’s where your headed.