Content Guru Nick Usborne Heads To

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I was just floating around, trying to catch up on all of the Blog news and saw from Nick Usborne’s Excess Voice that he is heading over to where Usborne will head up the Web Copywriting and Content Lab. He explains the move in his Excess Voice post: Big Work Change For Nick Usborne. is “an online marketing research laboratory dedicated to discovering ‘what really works’ in Internet marketing. The lab tests every conceivable methodology to determine which online strategies and tactics are the most successful to improve conversion, drive traffic, and sell product. Results of its experiments are published in The Marketing Experiments Journal.”
All of their research is available for free (and it is very engaging) at
“I’ll be working on finding out what really works and doesn’t work in the world of copy and content online,” says Usborne in his Blog posting, Big Work Change For Nick Usborne. “We have some ambitious plans and I have no doubt we will have a huge impact on the industry’s understanding of the importance and use of words online… As I have always said, the words are the most important element on any web site. And soon we’ll be able to prove it.”
As a proponent of “perfect copy for the right medium,” I am very eager to see the first set of results from this new union and will be paying very close attention to’s studies.
Congrats on the move Nick.