Brand Autopsy Looks At Tom Asacker – Author, Speaker And Blogger

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Random emails tell you things you could never have imagined. When you have a Blog, it’s almost impossible to know who and how someone finds you. I got an email a while back simply stating, “Nice Blog. Kudos. P.S. Stay passionate!” It was signed, “Tom Asacker – author, speaker.”
I went to check out Tom’s Blog, and also started looking at the many books he has authored along with a video demo of his speaking. I was more than impressed. We have had some dialogue via email and plan on speaking later this month. Tom is a very passionate writer and speaker on the value and reasons behind branding in our ever-changing world.
Tom’s latest book, A Clear Eye For Branding, is getting serious attention and he was recently interviewed in Brand Autopsy, which is one of the better marketing Blogs out there. In the post, Authors as Hawkers IV, Tom answers a handful of questions about his latest book, A Clear Eye For Branding.
Here’s just one gem:
“There’s an old Zen maxim, `You can’t control the waves, but you can learn to surf!’ We’re living in a new world now – one that revolves around the rapidly changing expectations of the customer. There’s no stability. None. You must move with people, like a life preserver in a shifting sea. You must catch their wave. Get out there and interact with your audience. Find new and compelling ways to become meaningful to them. Try something new and see if it takes hold. You can’t build a great brand by avoiding risks.”
Here are the most relevant links:
Tom Asacker Blog –
Brand Autopsy Blog
Brand Autopsy Interview With Tom Asacker, Authors as Hawkers IV