A Marketing Revolution

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Sir Ken Robinson is a brilliant speaker, thinker and evangelist.

If you have never seen/heard Sir Ken Robinson speak, please stop everything you are doing and watch the video below. It is his second presentation that he has given at the infamous TED conference. I had the pleasure of seeing him give this talk live at TED this past year, and it was even a bigger honor to share the stage with him last month at The Art of Marketing event in Calgary.

In this presentation titled, Bring On The Learning Revolution, I could not help but think to myself that as applicable and relevant as this is to the present (and future) of education, his comments are equally applicable to everything we do in Marketing, Communications, Advertising and Public Relations.

Without further interruption: bring on the revolution!


  1. This is power, this is magic, this is what we strive for. You go, you masters of the future and may none of our fears bind you, may all your visions manifest.

  2. Mitch, you are so right, Sir Ken Robinson is indeed brilliant. In fact points out something that is so true in many area, not just education. That is that we must embrace change and look to challenge the status quo if we hope to truly advance our own lives as well as the world.

  3. Thanks for sharing this video. I watched his earlier TED talk a few years ago just as I was finishing university and it had a big impact on the path I took after school.
    Not only is Sir Ken Robinson incredibly intelligent and passionate about changing education, but he is hilarious too, I think both of his TED talks rank up there as some of the most fun presentations to watch.
    I think this revolution he is calling for applies not just to education and marketing, but all human endeavors; at a basic level he’s calling on people to be more human and create systems that promote individuality and creativity, which is vital in any industry that might succeed in the modern world.

  4. I just watched that video with my 13 year old daughter. That last quote from Yates about made me cry, as I thought about my daughter’s future. I couldn’t agree more with the idea of making our education more organic and responsive to the individual. I’m inspired!

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