SPOS #718 – Alex Tapscott On Blockchain And Business Transformation

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Welcome to episode #718 of Six Pixels of Separation.

Here it is: Six Pixels of Separation – Episode #718 – Host: Mitch Joel. I’ve known Alex Tapscott’s father (famed digital visionary, Don Tapscott) for close to two decades. Together they co-authored the prescient book, Blockchain Revolution (over four years ago – which is hard to imagine). Alex is back his latest book, Financial Services Revolution, where he acts as writer, editor and curator for some of the latest thinking on how the blockchain is changing how we buy, save and spend. Alex is a globally-recognized writer, speaker, investor and advisor. His TEDx talk (Blockchain is Eating Wall Street) has been viewed over 700,000 times. Alex co-founded (with Don) the Blockchain Research Institute, a think-tank that is investigating blockchain strategies, opportunities and use-cases. Let’s dive into the blockchain. Did it deliver on its promise? Is the hype real? Still early days? Enjoy the conversation…

Download the Podcast here: Six Pixels of Separation – Episode #718 – Host: Mitch Joel.


  1. Alex’s father Don is one of my most looked forward to guests on your podcast Mitch. To completely date myself, if Alex was a singer who just appeared on this week’s Chum Chart there would be a bullet beside his name.

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