**Do you wish that you could go to CES in Las Vegas?**
For many marketers, going to the [Consumer Electronics Show](http://www.cesweb.org/ “CES”) in Las Vegas is one of those bucketlist items. It’s miles – and miles – of the latest, greatest and what’s going to be coming out in technology. Getting to see it, have it demonstrated and even touching it gives us a first-hand experience of where the market is going (and it’s also a place where clients congregate en masse). Over the past few years, [the attendance of marketing professionals (in particular, advertising executives) has skyrocketed](http://adage.com/article/consumer-electronics-show/marketing-mecca-adland-swarming-ces/290894/). I have never attended this event (but, it will happen one day!). The biggest challenge, for marketers who don’t attend, is trying to find out the best sources of information to better inform us.
**If you want to know about CES and it’s impact on media…**
I have a ton of respect (and mad love) for what [Jason Hirschhorn](http://sixpixels.com/blog/archives/media-redefined/ “Jason Hirschhorn”) is doing over at [REDEF](http://www.mediaredefined.com/ “Redef”). He spent an hour moderating an event for [The Paley Media Council](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4-hGd01KPF1i9xSWtox0JQ “The Paley Media Council”) on all of the emerging trends from CES 2015. Featured on this one-hour panel is media and tech experts [MKBHD](https://www.youtube.com/user/marquesbrownlee “MKBHD”)’s [Marques Brownlee](https://twitter.com/mkbhd “Marques Brownlee”), [Advancit Capital](http://www.advancitcapital.com/ “Advanceit Capital”)’s [Jon Miller](http://www.advancitcapital.com/ “Jonathan Miller”), and [The Verge](http://www.theverge.com/ “The Verge”)’s [David Pierce](http://www.theverge.com/users/piercedavid “David Pierce”).
**You can watch it all [right here](http://youtu.be/oCzG0bOMhts)…**
What Really Happened At CES… And Does It Matter For Marketers?