In a bid to better understand the growing buzz that is Facebook, I’ve gone and set-up a group on the online social network called, Six Pixels Of Separation Podcast Society. The spirit of this online social network group is to centralize people interested in the Podcast, Six Pixels Of Separation – The Twist Image Podcast, marketing, advertising, communications with splashes of social media and a digital marketing slant.
After looking at groups on LinkedIn, frappr and the like, it seems like joining a Facebook group is the lowest barrier to entry. We’ve got well over ninety people – in less than twelve hours of creating the group – as part of the community and my hopes are that you will join. It’s free (always the right price) – all you need is to create a Facebook profile of yourself – but, more importantly, it’s a chance for you to dive into online social networks, meet like-minded people and better understand how communities like Facebook and other online social networks operate.
Facebook is also crazy hot right now, so my hopes are that Marketers will dive in, connect, co-create and share. I’m also hoping that you’ll check out your brand, products, services and competitors to see who’s been talking (and creating) content out of love (or hate) for you. Another immediate opportunity is to see how the user interaction is on Facebook. The days of clicking and reading are long gone. It’s a heavily immersive experience.
I’ve also created two discussion group topics in the Six Pixels Of Separation Podcast Society. One for topics people would like covered in the Podcast and the other one – which is more exciting to me – is topics for Six Points Of Separation. I’m hoping to leverage this forum to co-create segments of Six Points Of Separation with the community. I can already see the many new opportunities we can leverage to make the show more social media driven.
Also, Facebook recently added applications into the mix. Just last night, I added a Twitter app which allows me to follow my Twitter (and update it) from within Facebook. I’ll be digging into the Facebook applications later to see if there is a RSS reader or an application for Google Reader.
In the meantime, please join the new 6POS community: Six Pixels Of Separation Podcast Society.
Six Pixels Of Separation Podcast Society – The Facebook Group – Please Join
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I’m in.
You can’t do a great deal with the Facebook groups IMO – but I figure every venue you can supply to your community is worthwhile.
I have to say, I definitely have my reservations about Facebook. It’s the one social network that I was avoiding for some reason. Then I came across this video:
As a marketer, I know that there’s no such thing as a free lunch, but somehow, I trust the private sector more than the public, and some of the ties that Facebook has are a wrapped a little too tight around US gov’t agencies.
Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I can’t shake the feeling. After all, this is the only social network I know of that requires your real name for it to work for you. It looks like that costs the user a lot more than the mere privilege of whatever username they’ve been cherishing since they signed up for their first hotmail account.
Learned about your podcast (and blog) through Fb. Just listened to episode 52.
Fb is a fascinating site to observe. It’s clearly gaining a lot of traction in many contexts. The applications are adding major new dimensions to the social network. It’s, in some ways, more attuned to users’ needs than MySpace or LinkedIn.
Maybe there is some sort of conspiracy behind it. But users are quite aware of issues coming up around the private/public dichotomy.
Hey Mitch,
I just joined your podcast group on facebook. Now all there is left to do is follow your advice from your last 6 pixels. Thanks for sharing, I’ve been hesitant to make the jump to face book and my space but i’m in both now. As a marketer I always saw facebook and my space for high school and college students. What does everyone else think? Is the face book brand for a non business people? Obviously Mitch’s 522 members says otherwise but… I still can’t shake the stigma just yet, maybe after playing a bit more in the space I’ll hopefully have a change of heart.