Final call! If you’re not booked, get booked for Search Engine Strategies taking place this coming Wednesday and Thursday in Toronto.
I will be speaking on Wednesday’s Balancing Paid And Organic Listings panel.
It will be an impressive event. If you have been following this Blog, it’s clear how I feel about a strong search engine strategy.
Here’s how Search Engine Strategies Toronto website described my panel:
Balancing Paid & Organic Listings
If you get plenty of “free” listings, there’s no need to go the paid route, right? Wrong — what happens if a change in how search engines rank pages leaves you out of the top results? Well, if you buy your way in, there’s no need to worry about the free results. Wrong again. Why not gain free traffic if you’re relevant? This session explores issues like these and how to get the balance right between free and paid campaigns.
I am also looking forward to it as it will be moderated by Danny Sullivan, Editor,
Register here.
Search Engines Strategies – On Wednesday In Toronto