You’re going to eat, drink and be merry for the next little while, aren’t you?
That’s what this break is all about. Spend some time with family and friends and be thankful for everything that you have. It’s the most wonderful time of the year (as the song goes). But, here’s the thing: while you’re abusing your body in many different, fun and interesting ways, don’t forget to take some time to be selfish, self-indulgent and personal. Right before I leave the office, I make sure to grab four books that I plan on reading during the break.
Who am I kidding?
I probably won’t read all four (I’ll be happy to make it through one of ’em), but it’s the intent that matters. I am making a physical effort to think about taking some personal time during the break to make myself smarter. The hopes are that this will bring me a few steps closer to where I want to be by the end of 2013. The books I am walking out of the office with are:
- Be The Worst You Can Be – Life’s Too Long For Patience And Virtue by Charles Saatchi. Not just the co-founder of famed global advertising agency, Saatchi & Saatchi, but a better-known art collector and more, Saatchi is – without question – a very interesting fellow. Somewhat of a recluse and quirky character. This is a beautifully printed book and it was given to me today, by one of my business partners as a small holiday gift (thanks, Aubrey, veggie pad Thai on me next time ;).
- Can’t Buy Me Like – How Authentic Customer Connections Drive Superior Results by Bob Garfield and Doug Levy. I’ve been a fan of Garfield’s forever, and I’ve become friends with Levy (who is a fellow TEDster). When Doug told that he was writing a book with Bob, I was (admittedly) jealous. This is a book about brands and real relationship building (the next loyalty marketing?). I was just sent an advance uncorrected proof (as the book only comes out on March 7th, 2013), but I can’t wait to dive on in!
- Contagious – Why Things Catch On by Jonah Berger. Berger is the James G. Campbell Assistant Professor of Marketing at Wharton University. As if that wasn’t impressive enough, his upcoming book, Contagious, is already getting crazy kinds of hype and the book only comes out on March 5th. This is also an advance copy that the publisher sent me. I did a quick glance and noticed that we share the same literary agent, so I suspect this will be the one I will get started with.
- To Sell Is Human – The Surprising Truth About Moving Others by Daniel H. Pink. I’ve been a fan of Dan Pink since he first started writing. His latest (which comes out on December 31st) is all about how we sell… and trust me, we’re all sales people. Dan’s work always gets me charged up.
And with that, Happy Holidays! Feel free to share below which books you’ll be devouring along with all of that food and drink over the holidays!
My reading material for this break is Brains on Fire – a great book on creating powerful Word of Mouth movements. The author sent me a couple as this CEO will be a guest on Marketing Made Simple TV, as you were Mitch.
Hi Mitch,
I am so NOT WORTHY…thank you for jazzing me up here — you talk about admittedly being jealous of Bob & Doug (McKenzie?), well, this post makes me “jealous.”
This time of the year I usually dig into the thick tomes.
A few years back I blew through the revamped translation of War & Peace (Tolstoy), the one touted by Oprah about five years back. I don’t want there to be anything out there I don’t know…
But I already dug into the following, two down, one more to go:
INTERVENTIONS, by Kofi Annan — wanted to see how the former UN S-G explained some of the bigger political blunders from the ’90s, which were my formative years as a student in Montreal and during my twenties.
THAT USED TO BE US: by Tom Friedman & Michael Mandelbaum. You already know about this one (I mentioned it the other day), this thin treatise seems the perfect complement to your upcoming Ctrl Alt Delete. In fact, it discusses the same subject, from different entry points…I’m recommending it to all my marketing and VC friends and colleagues.
MY LIFE, by Bill Clinton: I finally had a chance to pick up the paperback. I know, I know — wake up, McFly! — we’re going back now at least 8 years, but once I’d blown through Annan’s autobiography, there were still plenty of gaps which the former S-G didn’t adequately respond to in my mind. Clinton’s tome will have them, I’m sure.
I have the Isaacson Jobs biography here in the background, but I don’t think I’ll get to it…I blew through about 100pp so far, and I’ve already read Isaacson’s biography of Kissinger, so the Jobs book will fall into similar territory…