Special thanks to Jeffrey Hart for the perfect suggestion. Even though I’m based in Canada, this is a great Thanksgiving treat (thanks Jeff). While I’m not one to subscribe that “it’s all in a name,” I loved his suggestion of changing the name of The Montreal Business Book Club to The Montreal Business Book Review. What a difference a name change makes. I think it sounds much more professional already, and I have hopes that people won’t be turned off by the notion of a “book club.”
While on the topic of The Montreal Business Book Review (really loving the way this sounds), I thought I’d inform you of two things: One, there will be no December 2006 session as most of us are wrapped up in holiday spirits (and the parties to boot). We will return in January 2007. There is no selection yet for the January session of The Montreal Business Book Review, but stay tuned to this space for updates. Second, there will be some changes to how I run the discussions in the new year. I can’t go into details, but the sessions will be open to those who are interested regardless of geographical location. If that piques your interest, drop me a line and I’ll keep you in the loop as this developing story unfolds.
We had a great discussion the other night on, Small Is The New Big by Seth Godin, so I’m confident that 2007 and the new format will help The Montreal Business Book Review (you see, it just rolls off the keyboard) go from strength to strength.
In the meantime, if you’re looking for some good holiday reading, might I suggest:
– ZAG – The #1 Strategy of High-Performance Brands by Marty Neumeier.
– The Long Tail by Chris Anderson.
– Whole New Mind by Daniel Pink.
– Life After The 30-Second Spot by Joseph Jaffe.
– Little Black Book of Connections : 6.5 Assets for Networking Your Way to Rich Relationships by Jeffrey Gitomer.
Montreal Business Book Club Gets New Name – Enter The Montreal Business Book Review

I’d like to extend my sincere thanks for hosting the book review/club gathering last Tuesday. I know I speak for more than just myself when I say that your efforts are greatly appreciated. I thoroughly enjoyed the evening and have no doubt the discussion’s nourishment will resonate and continue to be passed forward. Can’t wait to see what you have planned next.