Everyone came back charged from day one of the Leveraging Blogs For Corporate Communications conference and primed for day two.
After breakfast with a client, I snuck in a little late but caught Scott Young, CEO of Userland, along with someone from Tucows who gave an excellent and interactive presentation titled, What New Technologies Are Available For Media Monitoring And Measuring The Impact Of Blogs? The session gave many insights into how to understand the popularity of specific Blogs and Scott’s remarkable history in the Blogosphere was particularly attention-grabbing.
I spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon off-site, but made it back to catch Howard A. Levitt do a bit on Blogs: Communication Tool Or Legal Landmine? Human Resources And The Legal Ramifications Of Blogs. Mr. Levitt provided standard legal counsel – have a policy for a Blog, for email use, for Internet use, for employees who wish to use the washroom, etc… and, as all good lawyers do, instilled the fear and wrath of The Almighty should you not protect your assets. My guess is the first Blogger: not a lawyer.
The last session of the conference was a wrap-up Q&A panel that I sat on with some of the other conference speakers. This second day provided a lot more tactics and tools as the entire audience seemed to have a firmer grasp on just how to execute an instant personal publishing platform.
I went into Leveraging Blogs For Corporate Communications with serious doubt that there was enough ammunition for two days of solid content. Also, after the first day (which you can read about here: Leveraging Blogs For Corporate Communications – Day One Overview), I was left wondering if the content would continue to be too pedestrian. I was happily proven wrong. The conference was a tremendous success with great content, killer speakers and a group of attendees that really gelled, networked and grew together.
I hope they invite me back.
Leveraging Blogs For Corporate Communications – Day Two Overview
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