Let’s face it, a job interview is all about personal branding and selling yourself. As the person going for the interview you have to be cool, calm and collected all the while promoting and selling yourself without seeming full of yourself (and keeping the sweat and stress away). Couple that with the strong need to demonstrate the value you can bring to a company and you’ve got the ingredients for a complicated and daunting task.
As Blogged here, Twist Image is looking for a communications/writer to join our team and although I’ve met only a handful of candidates only one person handled the most awkward of questions with such a powerful answer that I was floored.
If you’ve ever had a job interview, both the person asking the question and, especially, the person answering all get awkward about the “what kind of salary are you looking for?” segment.
Well, tonight a potential candidate simply turned to be me and said, “I don’t know but I’m sure you’ll be more than fair.” Wow. That was serious personal branding because it implied many things. Mostly, “you know what I’m worth and if you are as top notch as you claim your company is, you’ll compensate someone like me accordingly.”
The process continues but in order to make any interview count, it’s power statements like that which establish credibility and high-power personal branding. Marketing and sales starts the moment you make eye contact – it can go up or down from there depending on if you have power questions and statements. Be prepared.
Great Answer To The Awkward Job Interview Question

And if you do have an awkward interview, there’s always this video: