Five Things Meme – Tag, Who's Next?

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This is the social media equivalent of a chain letter, but I actually like how the tagging is working on pushing this one forward and the people involved.
It’s all based on “five things you wouldn’t know about me.” I got tagged by Anna Farmery over at The Engaging Brand.
OK – I’ll play.
1. My first job in journalism was interviewing Tommy Lee from Motley Crue.
2. I was a certified self-defense instructor and have trained with many of the stars of the UFC – Ultimate Fighting Championship. Including the Shamrocks and Gracies.
3. Contrary to popular belief, I actually like being alone (but only sometimes).
4. I was arrested once (but not convicted) after the police thought I was brandishing an automatic weapon (it was a water pistol). This happened during my high school graduation. The incident involved a small police chase and a lot of officers. Thankfully, nobody got hurt (and yes, I think we’re ALL morons a couple of times during our high school days).
5. I don’t drink alcohol (ever) – not even if it’s cooked in food. And no, I am not an alcoholic, I am not allergic to it, and it’s not against my religion (I just don’t like the taste or smell of it).
That was liberating.
So now you know about my law enforcement kerfuffle (I hope you won’t think any less of me).
I will now pass this on to David Jones, Michael Seaton, Ed Lee, Ken Schafer, Andy Nulman, and Kate Trgovac.


  1. 1. my most embarrasing moment was being caught stealing a sugar cube from the cupboard
    2. my middle name is Van
    3. my dad’s forgotten why
    4. i’m jewish, although i don’t keep kosher
    5. even though i love living in canada, i get really homesick for the UK

  2. The point was to post this on your Blog and tag some other Bloggers… but I know, you’re ashamed of people finding out about the whole “Van” thing. Too bad your last name isn’t Halen (that would be classic).

  3. Mitch–
    I know; I hate forwarding memes that are so self-indulgent; I long ago gave up these exercises on my personal blog. In fact, someone once told me that memes got their nomenclature from “me! me!” Wonder if that’s true… maybe I should check Wikipedia…
    Where was I? Oh, right. Commenting. With business bloggers, however, this meme was a nice chance to get a bit more personal without arousing too much controversy.

  4. Typical I own up to being phobic about chickens and you have interviewed Tommy Lee. Must make note to self – think before ever writing anything personal on your blog!!!!!
    I also notice a strong connection of violence with you and Heidi – guns, self defense, the police, I really will have to screen my friends in future!
    Enjoyed it thanks Mitch and Heidi

  5. Here are mine 🙂 Also posted at
    1. I’m originally from Texas
    2. My thesis topic was Intentionality, Sacredness and Play: Integral Elements in the Philosophy of Ritual (and now I’m in marketing!)
    3. I’ve played Dungeons & Dragons for more than 48 hours straight
    4. I’ve lived through three tornado touch-downs
    5. I spent my first night in Toronto handing out condoms at a Blue Rodeo concert.
    Thanks, Mitch!

  6. Tough call, Mitch, tough call. I’d probably say D&D. W/ the condom program, I got to actually meet (in a platonic way) members of the band; with the D&D, all I met were a bunch of dwarves & elves 😉
    Ken! You’d better not drop the ball .. time to disclose!

  7. This wound up being a great post. I think I enjoyed reading everyone elses more than writing my own. In the meantime, if you didn’t get tagged, feel free to add your list here or on your Blog and drop a comment in, so we know where to read it.

  8. At first, I wanted to kill you for including me on this gussied-up chain letter, but frankly, I’m having so much fun with the reactions and viral introductions I feel that I owe you. So here’s a Sixth Thing–I didn’t wear any underwear at the last YES conference. Enjoy!

  9. At first, I wanted to kill you for including me on this gussied-up chain letter, but frankly, I’m having so much fun with the reactions and viral introductions I feel that I owe you. So here’s a Sixth Thing–I didn’t wear any underwear at the last YES conference. Enjoy!

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