Business Book Boxing Day Bonanza – Sort Of

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It’s come to the point where I watch the local six o’clock news on Boxing Day (which was actually yesterday) just to see what kind of person stands outside in the cold to get their hands on all the hot post-Christmas retail savings. I’m still a huge fan of this tradition. While I don’t venture out into the retail haze anymore (you can buy it all from the comfort of your Internet connection – sometimes even before the actual physical sale), I sure do love waking up early, grabbing my morning edition of the Montreal Gazette and sifting through the countless sales and shopping opportunities.
Quoting from the movie Mallrats, “I love the smell of commerce in the morning.”
But I do have a secret. If you can forgo the serious door-crasher savings, the Boxing Day sales tend to last the whole week (if not month). In my world, the real Boxing Day is 10:00 am the day after (aka today). The parking is usually light in the downtown core and people are still in a shopping coma from the day before. That’s when I pounce.
While my list was fairly light this year, I did manage to score a hefty batch of business books by taking advantage of Indigo‘s week-long thirty-percent-off hardcover books deal. I’ve been waiting for this special. I scored three new surprises and one gem I had held off on picking up.
Here’s the business book Boxing Day round-up:
1. Wikinomics – How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything by Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams.
2. Little Gold Book of Yes! Attitude – How to Find, Build, and Keep a Yes! Attitude for a Lifetime of Success by Jeffrey Gitomer.
3. POP! – Stand Out In Any Crowd by Sam Horn.
4. The Art of the Start – The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting Anything by Guy Kawasaki.
I know… good score. Now I just need another couple of more weeks of holiday to tear through ’em.


  1. Thanks for the 411 on Chapters sale.
    I picked up Wikinomics for myself, the Long Tail by Chris Anderson for a friend and another book on interior design for my wife.
    I mentioned the sale to a colleague and she bought ‘Waiting for the Macaws’ by Terry Glavin.
    So to those who say that bloggers don’t influence sales, the Twist Image blog just generated over $150 in sales for Chapters in one day.
    Say, you aren’t running some kind of affiliate deal in the background Mitch? : – )

  2. It’s a good idea. How would that work? You not only get that awesome iRewards Card from Indigo-Chapters (which I use all of the time), but people who are “linked” to your card (not sure how this would work) also increase your loyalty value when they buy.
    I like it Sulemaan. Have a business plan on my desk by noon ๐Ÿ˜‰
    You, your family and friends scored some good books. Enjoy the reads.

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