250 Podcasts

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Episode #250 of Six Pixels of Separation – The Twist Image Podcast is now live and ready for you to listen to.

I’ve never been one for acknowledging anniversaries in the digital channels (things like x amount of blog posts, podcasts or how many followers I have on Twitter). To be honest, I’m not even sure that having 250 episodes of a Podcast is all that big of a deal or something worth noting (I’m not keeping count – just having fun having weekly conversations about Marketing with some of the smartest people on the planet). Thankfully, Mark W. Schaefer over at Grow thought it was something worthy of mentioning and came up with the idea of interviewing me for this 250th episode. Admittedly, I was hesitant at first, but figured it could be fun to have the tables turned or to turn this episode a little upside down. Mark has become a good friend over the past while (and we have yet to meet in our "protein forms"!). It was a fun chat all about Marketing and the revolution that has taken place with some thoughts on the evolution as it continues to change. I hope you don’t find this episode too narcissistic (it was not the intention). Enjoy the conversation…

You can grab the latest episode of Six Pixels of Separation here (or feel free to subscribe via iTunes): Six Pixels of Separation – The Twist Image Podcast #250.


  1. Thanks for this great podcast Mitch – on a nice Sunday in Montreal I am stuck inside due to an operation I had last week but your this podcast and your documentary suggestions have kept me busy for the past two days! I watched Helvetica, Art and Copy, and Objectified – Great stuff!!

  2. Hey Mitch, even though you don’t acknowledge milestones, take a moment to look back at the path that you’ve travelled. Appreciate that you’ll never really know how many people you’ve helped along the way.
    Congrats on 250. Look forward to thanking you in person one day.
    Keep the momentum, passion and pioneering spirit going.

  3. Mitch and Mark – Thank-you for this. I enjoyed this very much.
    Two smart, real, honest guys who have given me endless gifts. Congratulations on your 250, Mitch. I have enjoyed how you two have grown into respectful colleagues and friends from those early conversations where you disagreed on issues. You may still disagree and that is the point.
    We all want to do well, we all want to be validated and in an open media world, it is quite a balance in being transparent without talking about yourself and relinquishing privacy. You both navigate it beautifully.

  4. Mitch: If nothing else, 250 weekly podcasts demonstrates you’ve stuck with your show for nearly 5 years. That persistence is impressive! Looking forward to listening to your insights sometime this week.

  5. Perhaps one of the most interesting podcasts you’ve ever done. So many great dialogue points. I felt like you were less guarded in sharing your real thoughts and opinions in this podcast …which was great, perhaps you guard them a bit when you’re speaking to guests to keep their thought on track. Regardless, my point is, this one was great. I enjoyed it. Keep up the great work in all the publishing you’re doing. You’re the definition of the transmedia experience Mitch!

  6. Thanks for this Mitch – it was great to hear you interviewed for a change. I also resonated with your comments on the consumption -> production cycle. I am similar and make sure I write notes on every book I read, write a blog post (or several) from them and I’ve also started doing video reviews on fiction books to embed what hooked me (as I am also a fiction writer)
    I’ve been enjoying your podcasts for around a year now – you have helped foster a love for marketing and new media which I try to bring to other authors – different niche, but your interviews have definitely helped. I look forward to the next 250 episodes ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. PS. I’d really like to buy your book but I read ebooks primarily now as I am travelling and moving a lot. Six Pixels is not available on the Kindle Store (at least for me in Australia)
    Is that something you’ll be doing? or is it available in ePub?
    With the media hacks publishing crowd and your iPad-fandom, perhaps it might be in the works?
    Thanks, Joanna

  8. I know. This isn’t my issue. My publisher (Hachette/Grand Central) has not negotiated any of their rights for the Kindle outside of the US. And yes, this is heartbreaking and frustrating to me. You may try it on iBooks or Kobo.

  9. Absolutely LOVE this podcast. It’s my favorite of all the Twist Image episodes. You two went over so much and there’s so much to think about.
    Mitch, you never went to college? Is that correct?
    I absolutely agree, experience is important – and it’s often what makes a blog worth reading. So my question is, for a younger person who is building influence online, how can they do this without coming across as the hip opponent of grey hairs?
    Thanks guys. Such a great job.

  10. I did one semester at college before taking on my entrepreneurial ventures more “full time.” ๐Ÿ˜‰
    As for your other question: I’d worry less about building influence online and focus all of my energy on creating content that is compelling and valuable to an audience. If you’re not sure how to do that, I would recommend reading Steven Pressfield’s book, Do The Work!

  11. Mitch, don’t you build influence online by creating content that is compelling and valuable to an audience? ๐Ÿ™‚ I mean, that’s exactly what I’m doing and I’ve grown quickly in the last three months.
    But my fear is that I’m going to come across as the hip dude that’s attracting this passionate audience because I’m riding the latest fad. I want to respect the Tom Peters out there who have a lot more experience than I do and deserve an audience themselves.
    So you didn’t really go to college! Now THAT’S interesting. You need to write a post called, “How to Build an Internationally Acclaimed Business with Nothing More Than a Highschool Diploma.” I’m 18 and I’m graduating next month. Everyone’s telling me I need to go to college. But I’m having way more fun working with clients and building a popular blog. Forgive me, but I’m really excited by the fact that you didn’t pursue a degree. That’s awesome.

  12. I remember way back to the beginning at podcast episode #1. As the old expression goes “You’ve come a long way baby.” A great example of what dedication and hard work achieve.

  13. Well here’s a case in point. I hate a serious discussion with Mark Schaefer about what content truly cultivates an audience. For example, I did a guest post on Copyblogger called “6 Unfair Market Advantages You Should Steal from Apple.” It was solid post from a business/digital marketing perspective and it was one of the most popular CB articles that week.
    But Mark’s argument was that since I didn’t really have an “inside scoop” on Apple, anybody could have written it, and it would have bored Mark’s audience to tears. There’s definitely a wide disconnect between sites like mine and Copyblogger and the ideology senior marketers like you and Mark bring to the table.
    That’s all I’m saying. ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. Congratulations on #250 Mitch! It’s definitely a milestone worth noting. Ironically I just posted #150 today myself, and so glad you agreed to be one of my guests when I was just starting out.

  15. Different blogs have different audiences. You could write a great blog on diapers for a mommy blogging site and it wouldn’t fit other places, even though it may be great content. That is the point I tried to make.

  16. Just a thank you from someone exploring social media for the company I am employed with. I immediately searched for well respected professionals in the field, found you and have been voraciously consuming your podcasts during my commutes to the office. What I enjoy is the connections and references that you give us. This is not verbatim but I recall a comment by Mark indicating that you are genuinely helpful. That is exactly what I get from you. Again, thank you. Oh, and no reply necessary.

  17. This episode felt like a peek behind the curtain and it was a lot of fun to listen to. One of the things that keeps me coming back to your podcasts is the format: Although you bring in all those incredible minds, I enjoy that you don’t just interview your guests, you share your own ideas and thoughts, and challenge everyone who joins you. It’s a refreshing change from so many other marketing & pr podcasts that come off as vanity projects, heavy in ego and light in content. Thanks so much and here’s to another 250 episodes.

  18. Is it wrong to want to propose through a Blog comment response?
    In all seriousness, many thanks for the kind words and for identifying the intent and purpose of the show – to think about marketing… in a different way.

  19. I’ve been listening to your podcasts for a couple of years now, thanks for all the content and conversations. This one with Mark helped listeners like me learn a lot more about what makes you tick an how you do what you do. I especially liked your thoughts that if you’re not constantly taking what you’re reading and paying attention to, and putting it somewhere (a blog, podcast, Twitter) you’re not helping yourself improve or learn. Something that me, and a lot of people in my line of work trying to create meaningful content needed to be reminded of. Thanks.

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