10 Ways To Re-Energize Your Blog Today

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There has been no shortage of people abandoning their Blogs in lieu of newer platforms like Twitter and FriendFeed.

Based on the conversations out there, it also seems like those same people who are no longer Blogging as much also claim to be out of ideas.

Try this…  

Here are 10 Ways To Re-Energize Your Blog:

  1. Grab your local newspaper – pick one column (it could be a news item or op-ed piece) and Blog your own perspective on it.
  2. Wired Magazine and Fast Company – pick up the latest issue, open it up to a random page and Blog about what caught your eye/attention.
  3. Business book – Blog about what your favourite business book is and why.
  4. Frustration – pick something that really frustrates you about business. Blog about it (but include what you would do to fix it).
  5. Ticks and tips – whether it’s something cool you’re doing with an application or an online platform, everyone has a cool tip, trick or lifehack that they use. Blog about it and explain how you came up with it.
  6. Interview – choose an unsung hero and interview them. Before Blogging about the interview explain why they are an unsung hero.
  7. Google News – I’ve already Blogged about how much I love Google News. Sign-up, personalize it and use it to find inspiration. You’ll probably find multiple Blog entry inspirations every day.
  8. Twitter – since you’re so busy on Twitter that you don’t have time to Blog, why not pick a meme (or two) that have got you excited and expand on some of your thoughts? Another simple trick is to ask those that are following you on Twitter what they would like you to Blog about.
  9. Events – Blog about an upcoming event or Blog about what your experience was like while attending an event. You can double-dip this one with the interview idea and chat with some of the other attendees (even speakers) and run multiple Blog posts about it.
  10. Crazy thought – how many times have you had a wild idea, thought or provocation? Blog it.

What are some of your tricks to keeping a Blog fresh?


  1. I read ALOT. I read books, my reader, stories from people I trust and respect on Twitter, etc. I typically keep a piece of scratch paper next to me and I write countless ideas down from complex to very simple.
    Sometimes I feel very compelled to start writing then, but often times I let them ferment for a bit, think about them later, connect a couple together, etc. Often times, these make the best posts.
    If I’m not posting on a consistent basis it means A.) I don’t have time or B.) I’m worried it won’t be well received and as my audience grows, my overwhelming feeling of responsibility to keep upping the ante sometimes gets me in trouble when I should just it ‘publish.’
    Thanks for sharing these tactics Mitch. It’s always good to re-energize sometimes. Darren Rowse’s 31 days to build a better blog is also a great read for new (and even intermediate) bloggers looking to inject some new life into their blog (writing, design, marketing), etc.

  2. With the amount of information available on any topic I would humbly suggest that anyone who feels they are out of ideas should ask themselves if they’re really passionate about their topic. If not, change.

  3. ‘I would humbly suggest that anyone who feels they are out of ideas should ask themselves if they’re really passionate about their topic. If not, change.’
    I ditto that statement.
    And the BEST way to energise your blog?
    Quit. Take a break.
    And only come back IF you can add to the conversation.
    Because it is getting awfully noisy out there, so if you MUST make noise, make it worthwhile to your audience.

  4. Sometimes, to get back on the writing (or Blogging) horse (as the case may be), the best idea is not to quit, but to keep at it. To keep writing and pushing content out there. That’s one of the only ways to move a Blog forward as well, and it’s one of the best ways to find a regular groove.
    Some people don’t Blog to build audience, linkbait or for search engine optimization reasons. Some people like to Blog because they can… and I say they should.

  5. The use of blogs and discussion groups is a sensitive area of Internet marketing. Rules of etiquette apply which rule out heavy-handed commercialism. A blog is like an online diary. It can demonstrate what goes on in your business – with pictures of staff, information about your processes and more. You can generate interest in forthcoming products by writing about them, or offer tips on how to use your products in different ways. Allow readers to leave comments to create a real dialogue with your customers, and elicit valuable feedback.

  6. Great ideas.
    Blogging and Twitter improve one another. You can tweet about things you might blog about (using Twitter for bookmarking). You can tweet about your latest blog post (how I came here).
    If you’re feeling lazy, you can even create a list post with items from your tweets.
    Tweeting is easy but less rewarding than blogging. Some ideas take more than 140 characters to express.

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