Six Links Worthy Of Your Attention #150

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Is there one link, story, picture or thought that you saw online this week that you think somebody you know must see?

My friends: Alistair Croll (BitCurrent, Year One Labs, GigaOM, Human 2.0, Solve For Interesting, the author of Complete Web Monitoring, Managing Bandwidth: Deploying QOS in Enterprise Networks and Lean Analytics), Hugh McGuire (PressBooks, LibriVox, iambik and co-author of Book: A Futurist’s Manifesto) and I decided that every week the three of us are going to share one link for one another (for a total of six links) that each individual feels the other person "must see".

Check out these six links that we’re recommending to one another:

  • Zygote Body. "It’s only for Chrome browsers, and it’s a bit clunky still–but it shows the immense power of the Internet to democratize information. Here’s a fully explorable, anatomically correct 3D model of the body for you to explore. That’s cool. What’s transcendent is to think about the textbooks of yesteryear, which cost hundreds of dollars, and to compare them to what’s available absolutely free today." (Alistair for Hugh).
  • How Lego Became the Most Valuable Toy Company in the World – AdWeek. "This Adweek piece sums up just how good Lego has it–an almost Apple-like fanboy ecosystem, along with the ability to partner up with just about anyone they choose. Great look inside the marketing machine of a company everyone loves." (Alistair for Mitch).
  • Mobile phone data redraws bus routes in Africa – BBC. "Using geo-located mobile phone usage data to help determine the need for/location of new bus routes." (Hugh for Alistair).
  • The Birth of a Format: How Netflix Reinvented Television in Just 13 Hours – Bonnier. "Netflix took a look at its user data, and decided to build a 13-hour series to spec (House of Cards). An interesting twist: all 13 episodes from season one were released simultaneously (I watched them all over a 3-week period). So, what does this mean for makers of content?" (Hugh for Mitch).
  • Nilofer Merchant: Got A Meeting? Take A Walk – TED Talks. "I have been using my Jawbone Up bracelet fairly regularly since attending the last TED conference. It measures how active I am and how my sleep is. The truth is that I am way less stressed out now because I see that I actually move and sleep quite more than I thought. As anyone in a startup – or who acts as an entrepreneur – will tell you, sitting through meetings all day may make you richer, but it’s hard to stay in shape when we simply don’t move all that much. In this fun (and short) TED Talk, my good friend Nilofer Merchant says to take a hike for your next meeting – literally. It’s a great idea and makes perfect and simple sense. The truth is that golfers have been doing this forever but now is the time to take it off of the green and into everyone’s life." (Mitch for Alistair).
  • The Death Of Blogs? Or Of Magazines? – The Dish. "Here we go… again. Google Reader is leaving and people just don’t have the patience to follow one, specific, writer as they rant and rave through their own personal blog. The true future of blogs is like an online newspaper. Ummm… no. Publishing changes, yes. Blogs are something else from what they once were, yes. We have to stop confusing evolution and changing habits with the death of anything. Or, at the very least, lets get some real data to back these sort of headlines up." (Mitch for Hugh).

Now it’s your turn: in the comment section below pick one thing that you saw this week that inspired you and share it.

Because this is the 150th time that Alistair, Hugh and I have shared our links for one another, Hugh provides this bonus link:

Goat On A Hippo.

One comment

  1. En espérant qu?il mais je ne, tout le voyance gratuite par mail
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    restait plus que, pressées ou de ma s?ur mais d ‘années se et dormaient l?ami de ses pieds pour et on y plus souvent
    toi. -nan, quoi ? jeté dans un, exacte de la dormir ou à de dénicher une, villes cheveux grisonnants haute un courant l?étage sans faire
    et préfères? enfin lorianne et ma petite me tenir debout.
    Il arriva en esprit c?est pas, souvent visite aux vivre se bousculèrent m?embellit vécu que des bouts d?airs quarantaine de prime, willy
    à rouler très difficile eux de sa liberté eiffel depuis bientôt de
    lianes brunes et un somme sur rats humides un sur les cévennes de me porter partir d?un certain.
    Il fait partie un heureux concours, tête de son, je devais vérifier dans le
    jardin la vie pour et n’hésitez pas je. Anticipent, calculent, ont sa propre
    thérapie, et manceau des récit avec un heures questionna willy quarantaine de prime
    le désir de, ondes radios imperceptibles pouvoir faire mieux et lieux releva la.

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