About Those Things That You're Buying…

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**Leave it to Seinfeld.**
Here’s a very quick, five-minute stand-up set from the one and only [Jerry Seinfeld](http://jerryseinfeld.com/ “Jerry Seinfeld”) from earlier in the week on [The Tonight Show](http://www.nbc.com/the-tonight-show “The Tonight Show”) with [Jimmy Fallon](https://twitter.com/jimmyfallon “Jimmy Fallon”). Seinfeld is talking about the stuff that we buy, and what it really means to us… and what it, ultimately, becomes.
**It’s funny, because it’s true…**

*(and, by the way, if you’re not watching Seinfeld’s online series, [Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee](http://comediansincarsgettingcoffee.com/ “Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee”), you really should).*